Christians who pray and share

End Times

With everything that is happening around the world today does anyone else think we are heading down the road toward the end times as prophesies in the bible say. Wars and rumors of wars, floods, earthquakes, droughts, diseases and one world order as...

Christian Fellowship

I wanna make more friends and talk about fellowship and faith

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God want us naked

Genesis 2:25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. And Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the...

Sunday Biblical Teachings and Fellowship

This week's fellowship from April 21, 2024, is now available on our Vimeo and YouTube channels. Vimeo: YouTube: This week we look at a bakers dozen things our Heavenly Father calls us. This is not an exhaustive...

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Anyone else struggle with nudism and...

I'm new to the group but I'm glad I found it. Lately I've been trying to focus more on prayer and spiritual life, so I've been removing all the negative things around me. So when I thought about nudism I was struggling with it. I...

Any "pornography addicts"?

Hi from Willy, a very new member. I have a question about what some call "porn addiction." For 40 years now, I have struggled with wanting to see "porn." Not pumping organs, not kinky stuff (okay, yes a little). But most of what...

blow jobs... praying for a yummy bj...any sweet ladies interested in fulfilling my need?

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by mrspooja 
Nude Bible Study

Hello all! I'm Luke, 27yo straight guy from Brazil, nudist for 12 years now. I'd like to connect with other straight Christian bros to chat about nudism based on our faith, fully naked the way our Lord created us to be and also make a Bible...

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Your road

It's not just another road Each if us has our own journey to to travel. If we pay attention to our faith and listen and watch with closed eyes as we pray the path of our journey will be light. Thought it looks so much less traveled it will be...

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John 17:22 "I have given them the glory You have given me. I did this so they would be one, just as we are one." God's presence in our lives is to unite us, believers and non- believers. Not to be opinionated or stubborn but to love...

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