Christians who pray and share

New Friends

Hello all! I'm Luke, 27yo straight guy from Brazil, nudist for 10 years now. I'd like to connect with other straight Christian bros to chat about nudism based on our faith, fully naked the way our Lord created us to be. Feel free to add me...

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New to True Nudists

I am very new to the site and would welcome getting to know some of you. Since I love to hang nude, I would welcome finding nudists near Beaver Falls, PA who just want to get together and hang nude. Please reach out to me and lets see if we can work...

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Asking friends

Does anyone have a great way or a good idea on how to ask a friend to join you and a resort. I have a friend who is going through somethings and think it would do wonders for them. Any ideas on how to approach the subject. They are a Christian also....

NC bible study

I would enjoy nude bible study in NC.

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Christian nudists friends

I wonder if I can find my Christian nudists here because I'm new here

Church the way God intended

Recently wife and I were at Oaklake Trails Naturist Park in Depew, OK. It is a beautiful resort and they have a Sunday morning service. It was awesome to worship God they way he created us.

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Hey y'all, here is a Prayer Guide to help you pay for the situation in Afghanistan.

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Just keep looking at him....

Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are neededor indeed only one.[f] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. (Luke 10 : 41 - 42) Nudist, not nudist, gay,...

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New Orleans live

How do you find others? I would like to meet with others who are Christian but believe that God gave our bodies unwrap rd. What say you?

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Nikki Brook

Hi allI have posted a photo, taken in Cornwall, highlighting God's beautiful world, Please post some of your, God Bless