Christians who pray and share

Fear or Faith

This week's article is on the fear of becoming a naturist and what the Bible has to say about fear. We hope you find it enlightening and entertaining.

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This Week's Article

Increase non sexual nudity in society and decrease the sexualization of that society...that's what this week's article is about.

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Chapel at White Tail Resort

This chapel is open for meditation 24 hours a day. On Saturday, I took advantage of that and read a devotional and some Bible verses, and then meditated for about a hour. I felt very close to Jesus, more so than in recent months. I was nude and felt...

Articles for the Website

We are looking for article ideas for the website. If you have something that you'd like an article on let us know and we just may write an article about your subject.

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I do not have any nude pics, is there anyone near Warrington UK that will take pics for me with my camera? I have car and can travel.

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Give back to God what is his.

God made everything. He made us, in his image. For centuries man has been giving to Ceasar. If we could turn thing around and give it all to God instead, Id think that we all truely would be happy and Naked. Freedom would be real. Nations have grown...

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Having surgery

Having a heart procedure done on Friday, asking for prayers for me and the doctors. They are putting a heart filter in my heart and control blood clots. Thank you

Need some prayers today

I am not feeling all that strong at the moment , tired of being alone and unhappy since the wife passed 4 yrs ago. Wished I had a friend nearby who enjoyed nudity as I

Hi from NY

I am a Christian nudist in western NY. I am currently doing a study of nakedness in the Bible. I am willing to pray for any that need prayer.

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Are we praying and sharing?

I'm a UK based Christian naturist who has just joined this group. What are the current prayer topics please?

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