Buff Gardeners

Dig dig dig

I got well behind with the diggigng of my allotment, thanks to trips abroad and some am dram theatricals. But now I'm catching up thanks to this nice warm weather. It's good to be out in the sun. I know, its past time for planting. But we...

Blankety-blank snails!!!!!

Finding the little bastards on my new broccoli plants. I'll bet I've picked off a dozen in the last couple of days.

Naked gardener for hire

Has anyone got a job they want doing or want help with in the garden, where the work can be done naked?

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The Autumn/Fall colours are very beautiful but do you think there will ever be an end to the job of sweeping up leaves? In the UK we have a saying "it's like painting the Fourth Bridge." Yes it's a very big bridge but they have...

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Making the earth move

How's this for heavy gardening? I just spent 3 days driving a digger and a dumper truck to move a small mountain of earth as part of our village garden project. Soon we plant lots of trees.

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Remembering summer

It looks like posts have dropped since the change in weather and away from gardening activity. I thought I'd post a few pics from my garden this past summer. Picking strawberries... Harvesting some dill for dilly beans

Having fun...just beginning to harvest

I've picked enough green beans for four meals, a couple of nice bell peppers and one kohlrabi. The tomatoes are loaded with green fruit. I enjoy this time of year! Gator1

Got my small vegetable garden planted this...

We should be past the last freeze now, so I've put in tomatoes, peppers, squash, kohlrabi and beans. It sure was a treat to work in the ground!

Hello, new here

Hello, nudist couple here. New to TN but not naturism. We love gardening but haven't had any decent weather to get anything in yet. Been raining for the past two weeks here in PA and the heat is still kicking on overnight in the house, sheesh. I...

Anyone planning a fall garden?

If so, when are you going to start preparation, when will you plant?