Naturists and Nudists, Portland, Oregon (general) Area
There will be a night time naked bike ride at he above date. They will meet at 9:00 PM in the middle of the traffic circle at SE 39th & Glisan. This is nowhere near as crowded as the big World Naked Bike Ride, and these night rides may get anywhere...
Hi, I like to go to the nude beaches, and nudist clubs, but I don't drive sue to blind spots in my vision which makes it unsafe to do so. I do however see well enough to ride a bike, and I will rid emy bike otu to Rooster Rock once in a while,...
i ran into this webpage through a nudist group on Facebook. It is a list of Android Apps for naturists/nudist for the Android. enjoy.
There will be a night time naked bike ride at the above date. They will meet at 9:00 PM in the middle of the traffic circle at SE 39th & Glisan. This is nowhere near as crowded as the big World Naked Bike Ride, and these night rides may get...
Listed on WORLD NAKED STANDUP PADDLEBOARDING EVENTWillamette River, Sellwood Riverfront Park boat dock 7:00pm Get a board, meet Sellwood Park boatramp at 7pm Sat July 11, 2015. Approved by Homeland Security!...
I rode my bike out to Rooster Rock yeterday, and the water levels dropped a lot in the last week. Not only are all the trails dry, but you can walk all the way out to Sand Island without having to wade through any water at all.. The water levels...
Hey all, Judging usage for a PDX nudist group. Apparently they are charging by the month to start a group. Before I shell out money, I wanted to get feedback from this group on whether it would be useful or worth it to set up for those...
I rode my bike out to Rooster Rock yesterday, and all the trails are dry. You can wade out to sand Island. The wind has blown pretty had over the winter and changed a lot of the landscape, and even almost undermined the bench where many people...
Hello All,My friend Meleza and I are hosting a party in Salem, Oregon on April 24th.PM me if you would like an invite.Doran
Hi all, I'll be in Portland in July. Any suggestions on where I should go while im there? Would love the opportunity to meet people as well. Thanks