True Naked Nudists
What is the longest time you have been truly naked, not including a resort or indoors at home? And where were you?
In going through the group, I have found several members, who after being approved changed their profiles. They have deleted all their photos, changed their profile to "for friends only" or changed their profile to private. They all have...
How about the group members uploading some new photos to this groups media page? Let's see how many we get.
Thanks for adding me to the group. There are not many nudists up here in Montana. We are spread far apart in this big state but get together when we can. Just starting to warm up and finally getting out for some nude time in the mountains. Hope...
Hi from NE Indiana. We're happy to be a part of this group and looking forward to adding to the discussions. Diane & Dennis
In going through the group, I have found several members, who after being approved changed their profiles. They have deleted all their photos, changed their profile to "for friends only" or changed their profile to private. Therefore, they...
Hi all, Thanks for accepting me. I am in the West of Ireland and have been a naturist/ nudist all my life. I am presently cocooned in my home but I have a lovely private back garden and when the weather is a little warmer that is is at present I...
We are on here to meet and share our nakedness. Those closer to Austin Texas love to meet live and can go to local nude park Hippie Hollow here in Austin TX. Friends are forever so lets meet.
Once again, I have gone through our group, as I do periodically, with all my groups and I have removed all members, who after being approved, changed their profiles to "private", "friends only", or have removed "all their...
We are human beings, created by nature, we created nude and there is nothing wrong with our nudity. But someone says another things: "Don't care if someone is clothed or naked" or "Pretend that you don't see naked bodies"...