Trip from Springfield MO area to Medford...

I'll be traveling from Marshfield MO to Medford OR. One way; I will not be making the return trip. I'll be leaving Marshfield between the 10th and the 14th of February. I'm looking for an adult male traveling companion (21 or older); I...

Drive nude butt

One thing I have done when i get the chance to drive nude is to wear a surong. I can unwrap/untie it at the waist and just sit on it. When/if I have to get out or get pulled over its quick to re-wrap and you are covered. I had a friend who made...

All day nude.

My goal is spend the entire day nude. When I wake up, I will stay 100% nude, drive to my nude camp and spend the entire day there and drive back n nude. I am debating to bring clothes or just a towel, only. I know people at my camp do this, but I...

longest drives.

I have driven several trips nude, only putting something on to get gas! My first one was from LA to Monmouth lakes back in the 70s, then convinced a friend to do the trip with me where he did the refueling from san Diego and back. I have driven out...

Nude driving

I love to take trips nude in town and interstates

Mitch Canada

I love nude driving in my car...cock out j have done it a few times....want to do more

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Nudists in Western N.C., and Upstate S.C

Whom in this group, enjoys nude driving, especially at night, where you feel more secure, and comfortable?

Mobile to Sugarland texas

Couple years back, while working just west of Houston, I was driving from NC to TX. Once I got almost to Mobile Alabama it got almost dark. I proceeded to drive the remaining 8 hrs completely nude. Even filled up at those 24 hr at the pump gas...

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when driving around town

When driving around Los Angeles, I will drive nude on the freeways only at night! Los Angeles is a huge city and it is great to just go out at night and drive to see the city lights when the heavy traffic is gone.

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Heading home from naked camping

I like going to clothing optional camps a love driving home naked from where ever. Of course keep pair of shorts in truck incase need them if have to stop before get to house Just so much better drive naked I think.