Certified Only group

trying out Telegram for Certified TN chat

I thought I would give Telegram a try. Anyone that wants to give it a try, here is a link Link to Certified TN on Telegram

Who are nudist engineers here ?

Hello. Who are engineers in this group and definitely verified

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anyone wanna come along for the adventure?

figured i'd also post this here, originally my post from Sycamore Creek. got the next few weeks off from work and I was going to check Sycamore out at least once! any and everyone is welcome to come along with me if theyd like to PM me if ya...

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anyone wanna come along for the adventure?

figured i'd also post this here, originally my post from Sycamore Creek. got the next few weeks off from work and I was going to check Sycamore out at least once! any and everyone is welcome to come along with me if theyd like to PM me if ya...

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Telegram group for Certified TN users

Here is a link for a Certified TN on Telegram. https://t.me/+1nc-g9jcTA5lMWIx

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So Skype is shutting down

Hey yall since Skype is shutting down in this May. I figured we could try out a few different options for our Certified TN chat. I have made a Discord server, which offers text, voice and video chats. As well as a Telegram server, for those who like...

So Skype is shutting down

Hey yall since Skype is shutting down in this May. I figured we could try out a few different options for our Certified TN chat. I have made a Discord server, which offers text, voice and video chats. As well as a Telegram server, for those who like...

Certification for incomplete profiles

I am confused by the practice of certifying profiles that are incomplete and dont even have a profile photo. The totally diminishes the point of certification and makes a group like this less useful IMO. I am open to the perspectives of others.

Certified members

It's great that this group exists as it means that we a know we've been certified by the site , we've taken a pic naked with the certification code issued by the site. However in some ways this group shouldn't need to exist. If...

Going to Quartzsite

I'm kind of spamming this message on several groups, but I rarely ever get a response, so I hope you don't mind. Wondering if anyone is planning on going to Quartzsite this winter? I'll be on the Magic Circle for January. We could plan a...