Homeoffice nude

Is this group alive?

Just wondering!

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Refreshing this topic!

Its been a year since the last entry on this group so I thought Id refresh it. I have my desk in the top room of my house. Most Monday mornings theres nobody else at home so Im starkers and I keep my calendar free. Its so amazing - I love it. Music...

How is your summer?

Hey, happy august - how is your summer? I can say, that I am happy, I can work naked from home or naked in the afternoon hours in my office. Love to cam.

Hey there!

Hello, Scott here. Just joined up with the group. Thanks for the add! Lets get a call going so I dont have to work alone!

A naked home office hello.

Just a naked home office hello to all the other nude home office people out there. Would love to hear how your naked day is going, I'm a small time , business owner so I get the luxury of working naked from my office.

skype chat

Working naked from home,Greg 44yo here raised nudist and divorced looking to chat and cam on skype or whereby,my skype id is nudist french

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naked cam chat on skype

Hello every one ,Im Greg french nudist 44yo looking to chat and cam on skype,my id is nudist french,see you soon

Skype Group

Hello nudies, Lets cam at 5pm CET. If you want to joing send me your Skype ID. Nude regards JAN

Welcome to Homeoffice Nude

Welome to this new Group Homeoffice Nude. Happy to cam during the Homeoffice hours ;-)