SpaWorld Centerville VA
anyone from Raleigh area interested ? anyone else near Spa World want to join and meet new people
The new place, King Spa, has set their grand opening date as March 7. They say they will not open then if they can't open 100% but it's looking pretty positive. That of course means, Spa World would be able to open as well. We'll just...
Spa World has reopened their wet area according to their website. My guess is they will be a lot stricter about enforcing the maximum occupancy. I can't see how they could operate like they did before Covid as it was often overcrowded. Tubs that...
Since Spa World has not reopened their wet area, there is a Korean spa near Philly called Chung Dam spa that has an open wet area. I realize making the drive to Philly is not ideal and it is a much smaller facility than Spa World but its the best we...
Any word on when they might reopen??
Hi everyone, I got to go to the Spa World today. I had a very enjoyable time. Never been to a nude bathhouse before. Met a couple of guys, Kevin & Kyle. Hopefully on the next visit we can hook up.
Saturday February 29 is going to be leap over to Spa World for the end of the month gathering. Enjoy the special day at the relaxing spa. Enjoy being in the bade pool, hot tubs, chill tub, sauna and steam room while you and everyone else is...
Heading to SW around 1 or 2p today for the afternoon. Anyone else planning a trip?