SpaWorld Centerville VA
Will ve headed to Spa World today. Whos going?
We haven't really kept the tradition of meeting the last Sat of the month for a while and I gave up asking who might like to meet since schedules never seem to line up but I'll be there trying to sweat out the remnants of a cold, allergies...
Anyone hitting spa world today?
I'm going to riverside spa in Annandale on Friday. I'll get there in the afternoon and stay through the evening. Anyone want to join me for some naked time?
Partner and I are thinking about a Spa World visit tomorrow evening. Who else will be there. There is a good Groupon available.
After Christmas Spa World day is Saturday December 29th. Unfortunately my nephew and I will not be attending. We both hope some will be looking to rest and relax at Spa World after the busy holiday. We both wish you all a Merry Christmas and loving...
Looking to spend the day relaxing at the spa after the holidays.
Hey All - not a formal Spa World get together but I'm looking to be there on Saturday, Dec. 22nd and if anyone is interested in meeting up I always welcome the chance to meet Spa World / TN friends, old and new!