SpaWorld Centerville VA
Hello Spa World lovers, it is spa planning time. The last weekend of this month is Memorial weekend. Lets start to plan to be there at Spa World on Saturday May 28. Lets get there early before the regular crowd gets there. 9:00 is good but if you...
There is currently a Groupon deal going on for Spa World for the next 3 days.....$25 admission. That's a 40% savings! Stock up!
April has 5 Saturdays. I like to make our spa day on the 4th Saturday this month instead of the last Saturday. I hope to be there and join you guys on the 23rd. If you have never been or if you been waiting to go back then this is the day to go. I...
I have that Friday off, so it seems like a great day to meet some naked friends at Spa World! Whaddya say?
Anyone heading over this Friday?
Just wanted to share that I was there last week for the first time and it was great! I didn't know what to expect but with talking to others on here the let me know what it was like. I didn't want to leave. Just
I am thinking of heading to Spa World on Saturday. Anyone else interested? I have the day off...I'm guessing others of you may also. It's always more fun with company! Just let me know!
Would anybody like to meet at Spa World Saturday March 26? I know some still like having a spa day on the last Saturday of the month. I will not be able to be there next Saturday but I hope some of you guys can enjoy some nude Korean spa time. I...
Finally made it to Spa World yesterday for the first time and it was glorious. Not sure how I lived before! Great to be in a welcoming and relaxing places to hang nude and soothe the muscles. The body scrub was worth every penny. My skin has not...