Sycamore Creek, Arizona
Is Sycamore still safe to be nude? Last I was there sheriff cars were in parking lot.
Saturday going for some sun time maybe hike up creek. Will be there morning to noon maybe.
Anyone know if Sycamore creek is flowing from the recent monsoon activity? I was thinking of an early morning naked hike and swim.
Is anyone going to go up to SC? I have never been there. I would love to go. Thank you
Couple of us are headed up tomorrow, should be there around 11:00 a.m. The water could be flowing a bit fast but I will post a water report when I return. Come join us!
Headed there with a small group Friday. Weather is supposed to be perfect in the water is flowing beautifully. Should be at the trailhead about 10:30 staying most of the day till approximately 3:00 p.m.
Heading out in a few hours to get a little sun . Not really expecting to see others there but it is a day off for some so you never know. Ive heard of the changes there with the rangers and will be cautious. Has anyone had any issues there?
Is Sycamore still a safe place for a nude hike? Sheriffs still ticketing?
Am going this week or next.