Gunnison Beach Nudists

Last Free Week - Good Weather Wednesday &...

It looks like the potential for good beach weather this Wed and Thurs the 23rd and 24th. It's also the last week that entrance will be free. After memorial day its $15 a day or the season pass for $75. Can anybody get away from work for a few...

Tuesday 5/15 - Not too Bad

Managed to get a few hours in today. Looks like the only chance for the week. Wasn't very crowded at all. Where is everybody?

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NYC to Gunnison this week

Anyone headed out later this week? Not sure the ferry will be serving Sandy Hook yet. Should be 80.

This weekend

Anyone want to join me this weekend??

May 1,2 or 3rd Weather

Looks like the weather next week may allow for a beach day or 2. I'm going to try for the best of the 3 days. Anyone else?

Sat Apr 14 - first warm day

Well it's finally here, a warm day in spring. The water is still cold so any wind will make it a cold day at the beach. Is anyone going to give it a try this weekend?

Organization to advocate for Gunnison Beach

In another thread, there is a posting that tells about a friend who works for the NPS (National Park Service). That posting gives inside information that NPS wishes that the nude section were closed, because it costs too much to police the area....

Polar Bare Plunge on Sunday

For any idiots* (and as far as I know), the Polar Bare Plunge is still on for Sunday, 7 January at Gunny Beach. From all I heard, people will be arriving at 11 a.m. The plunge begins at 12 p.m. and ends at 12:00.30 p.m. There is talk about going to...

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Yesterday was AMAZING.

Weather was great for my first trip back to Gunnison in AGES. All I did was read books, swim, and sun (and drink). And it was everything I expected it to be (and more). Next time, I hope to be a little more sociable...but it was still a great trip...

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