Gunnison Beach Nudists
My wife and i are going to gunnison Monday to Thursday. Anyone else?
I am going to Gunnison Beach either this Monday or Tuesday afternoon. Will anyone from this group be there either one of those days?
Wear sneakers on the beach today the sand had to be at least 200 degrees. I think I got 3rd degree burns on my toes
Making the trip on the 21... anyone else going? Be nice to meet some board members
hitting up gunn, tomorrow- sunday. anyone going?
One of the disappointments of Gunnison beach is you cannot take a shower nude. I currently will use the shower to rinse the sand off my feet and arms but try to avoid getting my clothing wet. I have only been coming to Gunnison for 3 years, but on...
Hi guys! I will at Gunnison tomorrow morning and would like to meet some of you. If you'd like to meet up let me know on here or in a message.
any word on the opening of the beach for this year
Hi, I have not been to the beach yet this year due to my medical conditon. Was this the Tom that played Volleyball ? There was a Tom that had a heart attack about 10 years ago. I have been coming to the beach since 1988 and there was a Tom that use...
Spent a few hours at Gunnison today. First surprise: the lower access road is open! All repaved and everything. No need to go up by the lighthouse and loop back down anymore. On our way out around 3 pm we got our second surprise: the restrooms are...