Nude Home Office

Nude in office

Been several years work at.home. I'm nude 24 x 7 when I the house and when working other than if I must go on video work call. Otherwise love being nude always. Also outdoors whenever possible and even once in a while when I shouldn't be.

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Home office missing

I'm missing my nude home office from the first half of the year. But there I missed my colleagues.


Thanks for accepting me to the group

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Do you work alone or together with employees...

When you work in your nude home office, are you alone or do you work together with male or female employees ? Are they naked too ?

NYC nude co-working?

Any NYC nudists hanging out? Looking to co-work or chill now that it is getting warmer. Would be great to meet up with like minded and naked guys. LMK! Shoot me a message and maybe we can coordinate!

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Company Expectations

Are any of you expected to dress the same way for video calls and meetings as you would if you were working on site. If so, do you dress that way completely or only what is visible on camera? Our grandson attends a small private school and he is...

Ascend WV $12K+

Greetings Everyone, Just wanted to share this for all you fellow remote workers. Here is something that may be of interest to you if you are looking to move to WV. While Application for Morgantown are coming up there is a chance at two other cities...

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2021 Expectations

In the immediate, it looks like the status quo will remain so, but in the longer term how much will go back to the way it was before? Will people want to stay at home? Will working nude in a home office become more acceptable?

HAPPY NUDE YEAR to all of my naturist /...

Happy NUDE year 2021 to all of my naturist / nudist friends :-) 2021 can only get better. Be HEALTHY, Be NAKED Be HAPPY :-) Wolfgang

Welcome in my friendship group

I have been a nudist for 30 years since meeting a lot of naturist people at nude beach club in America at the age of 14 and I love being completely nude where I can. I like to travel constantly and discover new nudist places, especially near the...

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