Naked workout
Anyone want to workout naked with me on my Tonal to motivate and hold each other accountable?
I have a combination bench press,butterfly,and arm curling weights in Dallas in my home if anyone wants to do naked workouts with me .Shoot me a message if interested in the DFW area, and we can arrange the timing.
Hello everyone, Its been over 3 years since I was last in a gym thanks to covid etc. Does anyone know a place that has a gym you can work out at while naked? I know there is one at Steamworks and Spa Excess here. But I would rather have a some place...
I have done a few workouts and have had some interest from some locals, including a middle aged woman that I met at Blind Creek who said it would be fun to have a nude trainer. I explained to her that I am not a trainer, and she said we could...
Anyone know of a gym in NJ that allows people to workout nude? Someone from Jersey City posted a series of pictures of himself working out nude, but I can't find the location.
Earlier this week I ran across a pretty good deal on some gym equipment, I bought a squat rack, a 45lb Olympic bar bar, an adjustable bench that goes flat, incline, upright for shoulder press and decline, and 450# of weights. 6-45#,2-35#,2-25# 3-10#...
The weather is nice again here. It's sunny and in the 80s already so time to work out and get a body tan at the same time. who else gets to work out in the sunshine?