Nudist beards

Here's mine

Here is my beard in winter mode, cut it a bit shorter in summer.

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Here's mine

Here is my beard in winter mode, cut it a bit shorter in summer.

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Few things. . . .

Few things are more masculine than facial hair. The only females who grow facial hair are those who have a hormonal imbalance or something other disorder. Facial hair is masculine. And isn't it interesting that large segments of our society...

Warm fuzziness

I think a beard takes a face to a whole other level of attractiveness - what do you think ? Here's mine, now you show me yours...

Missing my beard!

I've had a beard for the best part of 12 years. It wasn't the thickest or most stylish nut it was mine. It kept my face warm and hid my double chin. Unfortunately at the start of the COVID19 pandemic I had to shave it off for work so I could...