Beer Brewers and Wine Makers

How would you rate yourself ??

As in all proffessions They are ranks or ratings such as novice apprentence masterwhatever. SO I thought I would ask HOW WOULD YOU rank yourself as a maker of home beer and wine?? 1. A Cherry FNG F*** new guy or gal Beginner 2.A Beginner 3.An...


Johnbrewer made this post about 5 months ago.. Beer recipies. org Check this site out.. I recommend it. It was going to be deleted as it was a long ago post. And I am trying to keep things current. As the ALL MIGHTY CREATOR of this group. I try to...


I haven't perfected my Bacon Beer as of yet,, However I have 15 ideas that DID NOT work So I HAVE to be closer to a solution.. The Cat-Nip Beer is EXCELLENT, It was an experimental 3 gal batch.. Next Spring ( when I have Fresh Catnip ) I will do...

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Missing In Action

As creator of this group I have been Missing in Action, This was due to being occupied with other things, Most of them negitive. I hope it was a phase or glitch and not an ongoing thing. I plan to get more involved and more active AGAIN

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HUH ????

This group USED to be so active, C"mon folks I hate talking to myself ( not really, after 2 Cross Rifles Homebrews, who wants too talk ?

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I Bottled my Wheat Beer and the Rye Beer On 4-22-12 A New reciepe Never done before ( by me) A Cat-nip Brew

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retro beer

the October brew (your own) Mag has 5 different recipies for "retro beers" i was thinking about those....i used to drink them a little while age...what does that make me?.....hell i even remember disco.......i guess i just might be a...


man i am to busy to post......i am making my 40 th gallon of wine as we speak......busy...ha wait till i have to bottle them..that will be busy...that is 200 bottles of wine....maybe 199 if i drink one

ruby, ruby , when will you be mine?

wow just got back from a frien and he gave me 20 cups of rubarb.....recipe calls for 10-12 cups per gal. with what i got down stairs (man cave) i can make 10 gal of rubarb wine........ok lets do it.....

Rasberry Bounce

ok this is suppose to be great... 3 cups sugar,--- 1.75 litre vodka------6 10 oz frozen rasberries----- 1 fruit bag for wine making.. (plactic bucket or gallon jar) Mix sugar and vodka. stir intil "Complety Dissolved"........ put...