Nude on the farm
This is an organic thought, dream, concept in my head so it's ever growing and changing, and I would love to hear other thoughts on the subject. Basically its this, I would love to live on a self-sustaining communally run plot of land that was...
Just a short note. Any nude farmers in Central Victoria. If so Id be keen to chat.
Hi guys..i'm looking for nude farmers in Ohio! I have always had this hay loft fantasy I would love to enjoy sometime. Hope to hear from those of you who might be in the northern part of Ohio. Jim
Twice on other boards I have seen posts about someone who lived and worked on farms where nudity was required. One even noted that if someone was caught clothed other than when arriving or leaving, the owner told him to either strip and give him...
sind auch deutsche geile farmer hier wrde gerne ne woche auf ner farm nackt abhengen
Naked and covered in sand is what I usually do but I have a nudist farmer friend who walks through his land naked to get to the beach I should start doing the same really. Naked and covered in mud
I'm very interested in finding nice land to park my motorhome and live the nude lifestyle while enjoying our great countryside. In return for a place to stay for a while, I am very keen to protect the countryside from fly tipping, litter...