Embarrassing moments freeballing

Sometimes freeballing could lead to some embarrassing moments. Have u been in one? How did you deal with it? Did it make u stop freeballing?


Anyone else go running commando? I work in the middle of no where with lovely quiet country lanes so lunchtimes I go running, loose shorts, cock and balls out, flapping in the wind.....great fun!

Obsolete Clothing Items

Over the past 50 or so years, men's pajamas seem to have all but disappeared. At the same time, women's slips petticoats etc.have become virtually nonexistent. Even mens jackets and ties have gone from commonplace to rare. Any one think...

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More common than I guessed

I watched a game show the other night where contestants guessed how many people reported being commando out of 100 people polled. The answer was 22 out of 100. I have no idea how the poll was conducted but that fraction is higher than I would have...

Quasi freeball even with boxers

I have always enjoyed freeballing and did it most of the time when younger except at work. Now I buy silk underwear that have high leg splits and just let my cock and balls hang out the leg. I have always been endowed enough so that it is pretty...

Less Obvious for Women

Sometimes its obvious a man is going commando by the movement of his penis or the outline of his corona. With a woman it seems less obvious she is going commando. Of course both genders experience wardrobe malfunctions.

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Does anyone else get...

An erection when you notice someone enjoying the view? I was at the store yesterday and needed help finding something. A very cute , mid 40's , woman was helping me and every time she thought I wasn't looking she took a good look at my...

Enjoy being around other free ballers

Enjoy the views and wait for the chance someone might tent or fall out of their shorts.. some guys like to shock or tease. lol !

Freeballing in a suit

So today I was working in jeans and freeballing like I normally do. I had an event tonight that I needed to wear a suit so i grabbed all my dress clothes before I left the house . After work I went to change clothes and realized I forgot underwear!...