Caught Nude/Naked

Caught in apartment complex hot tub

In college. I would use the hot tub at my apartment complex late at night, it was out by the pool in the middle of the complex, and no one else used it. One night, I slipped off my speedo in the hot tub , and then did it every time after that, but I...

Caught Naked

It was in Indonesia, where I had just stepped out of a bar. I was also high and felt the urge to walk across to the beach that was 50 metres away. It was all resorts on the beach side. I saw a small pathway that went to the beach. It was 10 PM. I...

Free Hiking Oops

In Northern Michigan there is a secluded beach on the shores of Lake Michigan in a state park. Getting to it from the parking lot requires a mile walk along the shoreline or through the woods on a marked trail. Each trek is enjoyable with distinct...

The popular unofficial nude beach - how do...

Alexandria Bay in Queensland is reasonably well known in a state where, despite the climate, there's no official nude beaches and a bit of a tradition of policing that. The beach is a nice length between two headlands and it's location in a...

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The old ladies next door

I am always naked at home, including in the kitchen, and I since I moved into my current apartment I started to have two old sisters as "direct viwers" neighbours, from their own kitchen site to mine. As I only see them from neck to above...

Under the bridge

I got out of my car the other day as I drove over a bridge right along the side of the road I seen that I could go to the river below on a little Trail I parked across the street in a parking lot got my tripod put on my Kilt and my flip-flops and...

Nude at the Stream

I take a nude hike in the forest near my house almost every day then finish off with cooling in the stream. Although it is not sanctioned as clothing optional, I rarely see anyone. Yesterday, while lounging in the stream, enjoying the cool water...

Caught by a delivery man

A little over three years ago this happened to me at home in our back yard. I worked a 4 day week and was off every Friday. Hubby was still working so Friday was my chore day and when I got finished my relaxation time. We had never put n a pool...

Caught while out naked hiking

I was out for a walk up the Scottish hills with a couple of my nudist friends. We were naked hiking out on a remote location where its very unlikely to meet anyone else as its not one of the more popular routes. As we were walking along we could see...

Caught in my open garage

I live in a cul de sac. I am retired and most of my neighbors next door neighbor works from home. It was very hot one summer day and I decided to sit in my garage naked and enjoy the sauna like weather. I was drinking a beer with the...