Nudist Couples Only!!

Rules for being approved to this group

Please be advised if you are seeking approval to this group you must be a couple. NO SINGLE MEN OR WOMEN. ONLY COUPLES. In addition each couple has to have a nude pic of them together either on their profile page or submitted to this group. NO...

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Plans, plans, plans

Well once again weve made plans to visit Oak Lake Trails in Oklahoma this coming June. Last year a power outage postponed any chance of doing so. Hopefully well be successful this year and not only have a great time but will do so with another TN...

Recent members

Welcome DavenBarbera to the Nudists Couples Only Group! We hope youll enjoy your time here and take part in the discussions. SoonerGal-HoosierGuy2

In retrospect

There are many of us nudists who love animals and have been fortunate enough to have had dogs and cats as love able members of our families. We may also be avid sports fans who root for our favorite college sports teams. In doing so we often root...

North Central Florida

Hello, we are T&L and live near Gainesville Fl. We are looking to make friends in our area. There do not seem to be any groups close to us. Please drop a line if you are close or part of a social group.

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Exhilarating 40 seconds

Just prior to Diane getting home from work I wash the dishes by hand, my choice prepare the coffee and take the trash out when needed. After having completed the first two chores I remembered that I was naked and would have to either get dressed or...

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Hello Everyone from Tampa

We are Mike and Merria full time Floridians. Thank you for letting us in your group. We think this is a great idea to provide nudist couples a place to share ideas and make new friendships. The Tampa area has many opportunities to enjoy the sun and...

East Tennessee Couples

Hey, we're ZimKova. We're in Athens, TN and go to Knoxville often. We're totally down to meet up for food to discuss nudism events and socials.

Supporting nudists

Starting today Diane and me are teaming up with Want2bfree and giving each other support in our quest to lose weight and get healthier. You may have seen our first pics of how we look now posted yesterday. We plan on weighing ourselves every Monday...

For me!

Yesterday when I picked up our son Thomas at the bus stop I noticed he had made a paper flower at school. When he got into my car I looked at him and said How nice of you but Fathers Day isnt till next month. He laughed and told me it was for mom....