Yogis Who Lift
I mostly use kettlebell when I left since they combine cardio and strength. On occasion I use dumbbells for HITT strength workouts and recently got a set of barbells though I havent used them much. If any of you yogis have barbell routines for yogis... 4 months ago
Feathered peacock (Pincha Mayurasana) is a more advanced pose. We can all use challenges in life. Building strength in forearm plank and forearm downward dog is a good way to start. You also need to stretch out lats and shoulders for the full pose.... 2 years ago
Question for instructors what has been your experience and has it changed over the years you teach? Do you feel much more comfortable around bodies, and does it just become a glute or pelvic floor or whatever the body part is? Do you think yoga has... 2 years ago
Actually, squats are King. Definitely start with squats. They are extremely essential to life. Case in point, my elderly mother is getting to the point where she can barely stand from seated anymore. That not only makes getting off a chair or bed... 2 years ago
by BareAndyMan a year ago
The best back traction Ive ever found is being inverted on a yoga swing/hammock. Ive used Teeters inversion boots too but that takes some athleticism and if you are really in a lot of pain, it can be difficult. An inversion table is probably the... 2 years ago
by BareAndyMan 2 years ago
Restorative Yoga is the most calming practice we can do. You hold poses for 5-10 minutes which allows you to fully release. Its an amazing practice. 2 years ago
Thread the Needle pose is a gentle twist that I use at the beginning of yoga classes. It is gentle enough that you can do it without much or any warm-up. However, your stretch will be deeper when warm. I see yogis do this sometimes focusing on the... 2 years ago
Bottom line: Crunches will give you six-pack abs. *** Are six-pack abs important? Not really. All torso muscles are important. We have many layers going in all directions. They stabilize our torso, protect our spine, and hold in our organs. But if I... 2 years ago
by BareAndyMan 2 years ago
Bench Press is not only an exercise for buff dudes who look like they are carrying cantaloupes. It is for granny and little Billy. If you think about it, a push-up for some is difficult. I mean, you are lifting nearly your bodyweight. Whereas you... 2 years ago
Shoulders are such precarious parts of our body. Magnificently designed, but fragile. I have never heard anyone say this so I could be the first. The shoulder blade is the key to shoulder health. The scapula is a bone that floats in space. It is... 2 years ago