Yogis Who Lift

Yoga Combinations and Permutations

The yoga sutras (ancient texts) say there are 80,000 poses in one text and 80 million in another. Regardless, there are many poses so we don't have to repeat the same shapes over and over. And there are many variations within each of those... 2 years ago

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by  2 years ago
Do more squats!

My workouts have changed since I have been training for the Colorado Trail. But I saw a picture of myself that I recently took and it appears I have lost mass on my legs. It is probably due to all the hiking. I need more squats. *** Losing muscle... 2 years ago

Get Inverted

The most basic headstand that we start with is supported headstand (Salamba Sirsasana). The reason to be supported is the pressure on your neck isnt that intense. When I teach it in class, I tell people to put 70% of the weight in the forearms and... 2 years ago

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by  2 years ago
Wall Butterfly

This variation of butterfly pose (Baddha Konasana) is nice because you can relax all the muscles you are supposed to stretch. The adductors, obturators, and hips can relax and release. You can add gentle pressure pressing away with your hands. Share... 2 years ago

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by  2 years ago
Plank for Strength

Plank (sanskrit: Phalankasana) is probably one of the most basic strengthening poses in yoga. You see non-yogis do this all the time, sometimes even competing to see who can hold the longest. They do this on their elbows too. An Australian did a... 2 years ago

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by  2 years ago
Where to begin?

The best yoga pose to start with when starting yoga is childs pose, Balasana. For many, this pose is very accessible. For others, it can be a challenge. For any yoga, its better to warm up first. This could be yoga movement but could also be walking... 2 years ago

Warrior 2: The Most Classic Pose of Yoga

Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II) is possibly the most classic pose in yoga. It is also the most photographed and well-known. It is also a pose that is accesible and most people can practice it. However, in my yoga classes, I find that nearly everyone... 2 years ago

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by  2 years ago
Hump Day: Camel pose

Camel pose (Ustrasana) is an amazing back bend that opens the front so nicely. Share your pose here! 2 years ago

Most Exercise is Symmetrical

When I do Olympic weightlifting (snatch, clean & jerk) and powerlifting (squat, bench press, deadlift), everything is symmetrical. It is squared off and never goes to the side. For most who lift weights and exercise, it is the same. Most of our... 2 years ago

Squats are King

But read about lunges first in my previous post. https://www.truenudists.com/group/yogiswholift/1/221438/ Squats are both simpler and more technical. It gets super technical at heavier weights. Consult with a powerlifter or Olympic lifter to learn... 2 years ago

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by  2 years ago