Naked Weed Whackers and Fry Cooks

A lady brings her dog to the vet

because it is scratching all the time. He diagnoses an unusual skin condition and writes a prescription for ointment. She goes to the pharmacist to get the prescription filled, and as he hands the ointment over he says "The manufacturer...

One fine day at a nursing home

Two grannies were sitting on a bench outside when an old man walks by. One of the grandmas yelled out, "We bet we can tell exactly how old you are!" "There is no way you could guess that, you old biddies," the man replied. The...

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A man walks into a bar

and orders 5 shots of whiskey. The bartender lines them up, and one by one, the man downs them. "Whoa there, big fella! What's the occasion?" asks the bartender. "First blowjob," replies the man. "Well, in that case, the...

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Whats the difference between a pickpocket...

A pickpocket snatches watches.

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Three women are sitting in a cafe

talking about their husbands. "My husband is a miner," says Heather. "I like being in bed with him because he has an incredible shaft." "Mine is a dentist," says Linda. "I like being in bed with him because no one...

Did my first nude painting today

The neighbors were pissed but the front of the house looks brand new!

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A rich woman called a famous artist to commission him to paint her. He said his fee will be $5,000, which she accepted. She arrived for the sitting and gave him $7,000. The artist was surprised and asked why she gave more than he asked. "I want...

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by Sunseekerjim 
I went to a nude beach

but they didn't like me there. You're not supposed to wear anything, and I was wearing a video camera. -Dan St. Paul

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During Nude Recreation Week

the nude community urges everyone to get out and enjoy activities in the nude. My question is: How does bowling work? Do you still wear the shoes? I bet that looks really stupid. - Jay Leno

A male and female whale are swimming

... in the ocean when the male sees a whaling ship in the distance. He recognizes it as the same ship that killed his father many years ago. He suggests to her that they should both go under the ship and blow air out of their blowholes to cause the...

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