Naked Weed Whackers and Fry Cooks

A naked man broke into a church

The police chased him around and finally caught him by the organ.

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A lady is walking down a busy city sidewalk...

Someone tells her: "Excuse me, Ms. You shouldn't walk like this with your breast out" She looks at him. Looks at her breast. Turns back and runs away yelling: "Fuck! I left my baby in the bus!"

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Yesterday I accidentally sent a naked...

Not only was it embarrassing, it cost me a fortune in stamps.

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A naked man walks into a psychiatrist office

He is naked except that he is completely wrapped in head to toe with cellophane. He says, "First impression, doc, am I crazy?" The doctor says, "Well, normally I don't like making rash diagnoses but in this case it is obvious....

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A woman is standing nude in front of a mirror

She is not happy and says to her husband, 'I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.' The husband replies, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect

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A man buys a new sports car

Knowing his wife would want a ride, he asked her, Will you take all of your clothes off if I can reach 150 mph?" His wife, feeling adventurous, said "Yes, of course" He found an empty stretch of highway and quickly was cruising at 150...

A man is at his doctors office for his...

He is seated naked on the examination table. The doctor says, Youve gained a substantial amount of weight. The man says,I know. I havent seen my penis is three years. The doctor says,Maybe you should diet. The man says,Why, what color is it now?

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New Nude Waterski Speed Record

The worlds highest nude waterskiing speed record was set last week by a 28 year old Russian waterskier named Torehis Sackov.

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A Naked Woman Jumps into a New York Cab

The cabbie turns around and looks into the backseat, eyeing the woman up and down. The woman becomes offended. Whats the matter, youve never seen a naked woman before? The cabbie faces forward again and says, No, its not that. What is it then? Maam,...

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by seawillie 
Joey moved into a nudist colony

Joey moves into a nudist colony. He receives a letter from his grandmother asking him to send her a current photo of him in his new location. Too embarrassed to let her know that he lives in a nudist colony, he cuts a photo in half and mails it. The...

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