Intelligent Women

I would like to find a co-moderator...

I feel that this group would benefit greatly from a lady's perspective on a regular basis. Also, I would like to post another main pic for the group. Even though the lady who is currently representing this group was a home nudist, I don't...

Who are the intelligent women in your lives?

My wife Sandy is a highly intelligent woman. She has a BS-RN with a minor in English Literature. After completing the five years she was required to do in nursing to repay her college scholarship, she went to work in Kentucky state government in the...

Does one need to go to college to be...

From personal experience, I can tell you that obtaining a college degree does not necessarily make one intelligent. It usually helps, but I have met some very smart people who never trod the boards and idiots with sheep skin.

When I get a Calif. flag, I plan to post a...

I think that it would be fun and interesting to have state flags and flags from around the world with nude people holding them.

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If you post pics for this group and it...

I am happy to post pics within this group, but I don't always think to see if there are any pics to be approved. Please contact me, rickels61 ,and I will be happy to consider your pics. Please keep in mind that they even delete some of my pics...

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Would one of the female members want to...

I would like to post a group photo for this group. Would any of the ladies want to voulunteer to have her pic posted for this group?

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New companion group.

I just started a group, Intelligent Men. Part of the reason for starting the groups, Intelligent Women and Intelligent Men, is that it seems reasonable to me to imagine that there are others out there who possess a certain amount of intellect and...

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If you have any concerns or suggestions,...

I am glad that this group is doing ok and is attracting so women. This is similar to what is happening with the same group on NS. Feel free to contact me with any concerns, suggestions, or if you would like your picture used (if you are a lady or in...

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