Naked Men in Phoenix
Hi Guys, just wanted to let you all know that the pool is now finally warm!! It's up to 88 !We try to keep our Sundays free for naked hang out/pool days. If you're interested in joining us drop us a line.We live near 23rd Ave. and Cactus Rd....
Hi guys...We would really appreciate if the members of this group would post some pictures to the Photo gallery here. You know what they say... A picture is worth a thousand It will also increase your chances of meeting others!! Thanks a...
Naked pool season is right around the corner... I'm sure we'll host one this summer, probably in June... is anyone else able to host, or have any ideas where a large group of us could go together for sun and fun...?! With shade and water...
While not a nude event, is anyone planning on attending the Bartlett Bash next weekend 5/15-5/17? We're going.
We posted 2 weeks ago that we were thinking of having a naked Holiday party. 20 of you viewed the post and not 1 guy responded to it...?!It's pretty obvious that you guys really don't want to actually meet in person and increase your circle...
Anyone going to the festival? Clothing required, but some of the twinks can be real eye candy!!!
Hey guys. I'm heading to Royal Villa to catch some rays. I'll be there around 2pm today (Sunday), if anyone wants to join me. Later!
Hi Guys,We're thinking of having a naked party sometime over the holiday season... We're getting pretty booked up for December, but could maybe do it on a Sunday in December...? It may be just after the New Year. Who would be interested in...
Hi Guys,There are descriptions of every group for a reason. Members of our group live in or around the Phoenix AZ area, or Winter in Phoenix and want to meet to hang out nude or do nude social events.There are 130 members of this group, and...
Thanks to our friend and T.N. group member "nakedbudman" we have downloaded some new pics that he took of us 2 weeks ago.