Nudist's diary


A few months ago I posted photo to TN, naked and holding a chainsaw - to get strict warnings in the photo comments about how dangerous chainsawing naked would be; I had to explain that the photo was just a joke. And then... I was at the computer...

Tour Friends

I like to meet nude tour friend to visit sri lanka . im living in sri lanka. contact me T:P -: (+94) 0776 714 227

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Tour Friends

I like to meet nude tour friend to visit sri lanka . im living in sri lanka. contact me T:P -: (+94) 0776 714 227

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My bro in law joking with me.

This past Sunday my family gathered at my brother's home for our Christmas time together. My brother in law asked me if had been to a Cabulas Pro Shop recently. Then showed me a clip of a guy skinning dipping in the huge aquarium in the store....

Dreaming the impossible dream

Last night I dreamt that I was wondering around a store wearing just tighty whities . Talk about dreaming the impossible dream. I have gone commando for decades and do not even own a pair of tighty whities.

an airport run with new friends

I flew to another island to meet a couple of new Facebook friends for an overnight stay. They realized I was a nudist from the fact that I'd posted a couple of (Facebook-legal) nude casual shots in my profile. When they picked me up, they...

100% naked or donald ducking decorating

This year I spent about 40 hours putting out what i call my Indoor Christmas Tree Forest and Poinsettia Plantation. I did it all either totally naked or with just a long sleeved shirt on when it was too cool for total nudity in my walk in attic. I...

it will be etched in stone

I signed off today on the final design of my tombstone. Prominent at the top will be the word NATURIST Also customizing it will be a world map, the phrase WORLD TRAVELER and my name in Scrabble tiles interconnected like in a Scrabble game

Gay/bi nudist group

Interested in joining my gay/bi nudist group on telegram? Mon sexual nudies. 150 plus members. Use the link before to join (might have to copy and paste in the web browser). See you there!

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Gay/bi nudist group

Interested in joining my gay/bi nudist group on telegram? Mon sexual nudies. 150 plus members. Use the link before to join (might have to copy and paste in the web browser). See you there!

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