General Discussion

New to this

I am a new nudist just started hoping it will help he get over being super shy but I don't now where to start any ideas?

Leaving Clothes in the Car

If you have a garage or driveway behind a privacy fence or hedge, do you sometimes strip naked and leave your clothes in the car and enter the house with no clothing in your possession?

The Changing Exhibitionist

Ever since realizing I was a nudist (30 years ago at Blacks Beach) I thought I must also be an exhibitionist. I thought being comfortable with other people seeing me naked automatically and officially made me an exhibitionist. But, I considered...

good conversation with the new pastor

My church recently got a new youth pastor. Him and I have had a couple of meals together and had some good conversation about life and travel. Yesterday over lunch somehow the topic of nudity came up and I said " I have a very casual attitude...

Guide: How to Identify a Fake Profile

(Copy the links in to your address bar at the top of your web browser in a separate tab to view images in this post) 1. Choose the profile in Question. Example: 2. Get an image of the person A. Press...

UK Clocks forward tonight.

Don't forget to put your clocks forward 0one hour tonight.

Latest Post
Nude Kayaking

Just wondering if anyone out there goes kayaking in the nude. I'm seeking nude kayaking partners in SE WI.

A pet peeve

When someone with a "couple" account makes a post and does not sign with one of their names. You don't know which one of the couple made the post. Bob

What's the big deal?

Had a chance to visit a Icelandic swimming pool today. Some actually go to swim but most go for the extensive soaking pools with various water temps. All outside which was perfect on this spring-like day with the sun out and temps just above...

Naturist/Nudist Revolution

Hi Everyone! I'm new here, but not new to naturism, so I'm not sure if a question like this has been asked before, but here we go... Do you think there will ever be a nude/body freedom revolution where non-sexual public nudity is generally...