General Discussion

Understanding Wife

Wife: Did you have anything planned for tomorrow? Me: Not really. I was going to catch up on things at home. I was going to take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather and stay nude most of the day. Why do you ask? Wife: I was going to have a...

Art thoughts

I recently toured Chatsworth Manor near Litchfield England. The home is filled with old and modern art work. I was touring with a female friend of mine and found her reaction a bit illogical. One room was filled with statues from Roman times many of...

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by noodengr2 
Do nudists make better friends?

A guy named Kaelen with a youtube channel called Ecstatic Self did a great commentary on the value of nudity in friendship, how it makes people more open, authentic, genuine and vulnerable. Although he may be a gay male, he defined this in terms of...

We are better men than this... well some of...

I am told that I do not have enough male friends and that I seem fake. Ok fine those are your opinions. However, I do see that the scale is a bit uneven. So, I go out and I try to strike up a conversation or two. And I am met with "So are you...

Naked at home time

Grandson went home yesterday, Not planning on wearing clothes much at home for a while. He will be back for about a month from mid July through mid August, but he will be in day camp most weekdays, so I will have more opportunity to be nude at home...

Nude quarantine

Thanks to the generosity of one of our fellow cruisers last week who decided to share their COVID, we are stuck working from home this week. Feeling fine, but decided to spend my quarantine nude. I've been dressed less than 2-3 hours all week....

Professional careers And nudism.

I am a professional in the healthcare field. I go to hippie Hollow, which is a clothing optional beach? Im curious if others and a similar career have run into clients while participating in nudist activities. I dont think I am particularly care but...

Outside in the Yard Naked Today!

I spent about 40-45 minutes today in my yard, picking up fallen limbs and doing other chores completely naked. Granted my yard is fairly secluded, but I could see my neighbor's house and the county road really well from my vantage point...

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Misplaced mannequin?

Saw a sign at Macy's that said something like "display your favorite outfit." There were several well-dressed female mannequins nearby. Not as close but well within sight of the sign was a completely uncovered male mannequin. I thought...

World Record - Skinny Dipping

If you asked the question; which country holds the world record for the most people skinny dipping at one time - I bet your first answer wouldn't be Ireland! Well Ireland is the correct answer, and it was set by more than 2500 women. So lets...