General Discussion

The world cup

Even tho Scotland never made it to the finals, I'll be watching as many games as I can, and as they are mostly evening games here, I'll be able to enjoy them naked. I wonder how many others will be doing the same? Good luck to all the...

Rarely Clothed

There have been threads on longest time continuously nude, bu this is a similar or slightly different topic. Was there an extended period of time, perhaps a month or more, when you had to get dressed several times so that there was no long period of...

Male v. Female Nudity and Swimwear...

I have noticed that the nude beach I visit has a substantial majority of males in attendance. This seems contradictory with the fact that female swim attire in general provides less coverage overall than what men wear, even though it includes some...

Couchsurfing, Winchester UK area, 12th to...

Hi I am at a work event in December and wondering if anyone has a couch free for the 12th to 14th December? As close to Sparsholt as possible but will have car so a short drive will be fine. Look forward to hearing from you :)

Latest Post

You will find this posted at both front a back doors ( All are welcome In my home. Just know that I live NAKED And will remain so. ). I wouldn't think of going to your home and ask you to undress for my comfort and I wouldn't expect you...

Skinnydippers disrupt wedding

SALISBURY, Mass. (AP) - A pair of skinny-dippers gave a wedding reception at a scenic Massachusetts restaurant more of a view than expected. Zachary Tomko tells WHDH-TV he didn't realize there was a restaurant nearby when he and Holly O'Neil...

Be aware: scammer active

I just recieved a friend request from Chelsea29, who has only been on Truenudists for a few hours. This was almost immediately followed with a "business investment" offer, requesting that I react to it by normal email. As we all...

Any Surveys On How Many People Are Nudists?

We've been wondering for some time: What percent of the population are nudists, of various types? For example : How many are full-time nudists? How many regularly visit resorts? How many regularly visit nude beaches? And so on. IN PARTICULAR --...


We all love our technology and would not want to part with it. Has anyone else noticed that technology tends to keep us indoors, stationary, and isolated, when what we really need is to be outside, moving, and connected?

Song lyrics with one wrong word.

Sorry really bad at name that tune so title and artist not sure . But here is the lyrics with the wrong word in it She MAKES me take my clothes off and go dancing in the rain. I think it would be better sung as " She LETS me take my clothes off...