General Discussion

Morfa Dyffryn Beach Group

If anyone knows and loves this official naturist beach in North Wales it would be great if you could join my new group 'Morfa Dyffryn Beach North Wales' to share experiences and photos. I look forward to welcoming you.

Nude Statue of George Washington to be on...

A nearly 200-year-old plaster sculpture rendering a naked George Washington will be displayed for the first time in the U.S. as part of an exhibition next year at the Frick Collection. The Italian sculptor Antonio Canova cast the plaster as a model...

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Book Reading Nudist where have you gone?

That may not have been the exact title of the group, but i was a member of a group where we discussed reading books. I went to look for it the other day and it is gone, in fact doing a search for any reading related group came up zilch. any...

What's the benefit in upgrading your...

What's the benefit of a paid membership besides just looking all the pictures?

"Gift" a True Nudist Membership...

Dear True Nudist Community, I remember for years a "Gift" True Nudist membership option existed. Right I have a friend or two or three who I'd lie to buy a membership for because it would be an AWESOME surprise to give someone. Where...

Jeopardy 4-21-17

Alex always chats with the contestants and during last night's show, he asked about one guy's hotel sleep walking. The guy woke up and found himself in the stairwell, so he made it back to the room and pounded on the door so that his roomie...

WhatsApp Group

Nudist Chats 4 All. Right so i decided to make a WhatsApp group for all True Nudists. If you like to join here is the invite link when entered please introduce yourself, Age Location Tell us alittle...

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Support a Clothing-Optional beach for Tampa...

I just signed the petition, Support a Clothing-Optional beach for Tampa Bay!. I think this is important. Will you sign it too? Heres the link: Petition for Tampa Nude Beach Thanks, John

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The Frustrated Parent

For years I've debated whether my dad was a frustrated nudist. The more I think about it, the more I think he was. As a young child I explored every nook and cranny of our house. One day I discovered two nudist magazines, could've been the...

America's Eclipse 08/21/2017

I am planing to take my motor home and I understand a lot of campgrounds and resorts are pulling the same stunts as the hotels in this article. I have not made reservations. I have been planing to ad-lib in an effort to maneuver around clouds. With...