General Discussion
Hi folks. We're a wmc, been nudists for 30 years, moved to Laughlin, NV and would really like to find like-minded friends.
I can only send messages to someone who has messaged me. Any other members having this problem ?
I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: The naked truth about Germany: Clothing is optional
As the title said whos coming to stosyth this year. Cant wait for the sun to come out my self
On Saturday (2/13/16), I lead a group of about 50 nude people down Market Street in San Francisco, where we met up for group photos in front of City Hall. Check it out:
I'm talking to and beginning to get involved with someone is very reserved because she has always been and thought that she should be and appear as so many people believe what is the typical mindset of a person's appearances today.She has 3...
Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, are nothing more than commercial profiteering. Buy a bunch of flowers for your wife or girlfriend on valentine's day and you will most likely pay at least double the price than you would a...
Why is it that everyone just automatically assumes that because people are naked even at home it is somehow always related to sexuality? I understand that many people to use it as such, and I know that there are people who do use it for that reason...
Ran across this story in Yahoo and I am just shaking my head in disbelief. Its surprising that there are younger nudist at all considering how schools are trying to shame young women to cover their body. ...
Catholics actually have four saints they can consider as patron saints of nudists, even though they aren't officially recognized as being patron saints of nudists as of yet: Onuphrius, Peter of Athos, Macarius of Egypt, and Paul the Hermit. They...