General Discussion

Austin City Limits

Any nudists going to Austin City Limits (ACL) festival this year?

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my chat not working

I have been using the chat on this and other websites for several years but all of a sudden non of them work on my laptop. I get the error message that 'Connection failed'. I have tried downloading the latest Adobe updates without success....

Breakfast - What do You Have ?

The most important meal of the day. What do you have? or are you one of the very foolish people who skip breakfast.

Shouldn't Certified nudist be the only...

I was just wondering why the average person with photos that aren't theres be allowed to post them?I see so many fake profiles I just think they should have to be certified and have to display the photo they used to get certified of themselves...

Unable to connect with chat

For some odd reason, I am not able to connect on to chat. It just spins for a while then gives me an error. I have uploaded the newest version on Java but I do not get it. Help! I am on a Mac.

Nudist in Ireland

Hi guys, looking for nudist company on some of the pleasant beaches in cork. All alone is kinda boring!

Fat 1 transgenic mice, interesting...

I inadvertently came across this article that comes up if you google "fat 1 transgenic mice melanoma"

Petition: Designate a 1/4 mile of Caspersen...

This is a petition from a Florida resident John Schlinz...... Hello! I've started the petition "Sarasota County Commissioner Charles D. Hines, Esq: Designate a 1/4 mile of Caspersen Beach Park as clothing-optional." and need your help...

Members With 'PRIVATE' profiles.

We should ignore members with private profiles who post on the forum. It beggars belief that anyone wishing to remain private, should even join a social site, but if they wish to remain private,they should do by staying off the forum. It only take a...