General Discussion
I have been a social nudist for a couple years now. Within the past, say, 6 months or so, I have noticed I have been having dreams about me being in a nudist environment, which is all fine and dandy, however the last one has me concerned... I...
I've been on the paleo diet for a while now and I like it. Its my understanding that its a hot topic gaining popularity. What do you think of it?
Hi. A few months ago I did an hiking trip in the nude. It was not long. Only for 5 minutes or so. But I did enjoy the experience. Nature is a huge thing for me. I do hiking trips all the time. But I never picture my self being nude until a few...
hi there, now me and my wife love to take outdoor nude photos in secluded spots and somtimes for eg in the middle of the road when no one is around or some intresting tourist spot when no one is there. basicily we look for popular places drop our...
Hi everyone, I hope it's okay me posting like this. I'm a journalist looking to speak to a couple, preferably from the UK - though not essential - about what it really means to be a nudist. It is for an article to go into a women's...
We all know that behind every great man there is a greater woman, that the world would be a lesser place if it weren't for women. Why is it then that in other parts of the world Naturism is practised more by women there than they do in England....
Hi, we aer looking for a photographer to take some photos of us both, preferably someone in the East Yorkshire are or relatively close.Steve and Tina.
The Sydney Skinny will be a fully ticketed event as we aim to help Middle Head achieve their goal of building a walkway and completing their upgrade project.When -Sunday 23rd February 2014What is the distance-there are two distances you can chose...
Not really a nudist topic, but one which cant affect a lot of us. What goes into an earthquake prep kit? What tools would you pack, what modern marvels would you leave behind? I want to make one up, and stash it out in the shed for a just in case...