General Discussion
Hey everyone, I have setup a separate personal Twitter account for myself so that I can follow others with an interest in nudism. I have found a few people from TN on there, but not too many. If you are on Twitter and want to follow me just search...
For those of you celebrating at a nudist resort or party, what are you going as ? Last year, draped myself in plastic costume chains, hung with empty cigarette packs so I was a "Chain Smoker"! Actually took 1st place in the costume...
Just wondering how many living in the Western USA would be interested in attending a meet up. Possible meet up areas would be Shangri la, in the Phoenix area, Mira Vista, in the Tuscon area, or a nudist spot in Palm Springs. There are many other...
Is it truly possible to live off the grid? It sounds more and more appealing but wonder...
hey im a nudist from Ballarat and im wanting to meet new nudists from Geelong or from or around Ballarat area i am 25yo and looking to meet like minded people please send me a message cheers Brad
As a nudist what do y'all think about people nude and tattooed.I get a bunch of tattoos be for I become a nudist and have coat hell for itdo y'all like them or not?by the way thoughtson this subject will not change mine about tattoos.
Total apologies if I am posting in wrong forum and don't mind being pointed in correct direction. But today is a couple of firsts. First time posting and first time being nude with someonethat did not involvehanky panky, booze or ulterior...
Hi, I'm a television producer looking to do a segment on nudists who are involved in tattoo culture and love to show off their ink in the New York/New Jersey area. If you have tattoos currently or are looking to get a new one, please email me at...
My wife and I love going to Playalinda and we are scheduled to go Friday, Sat, Sun and Monday - Oct 11-Oct 14, 2013. Due to the Government shutdown, it appears that we are not going to be able to go. We are staying in Titusville. Do you guys know...