General Discussion

Any other True Nudists members on Twitter?

Hey everyone, I have setup a separate personal Twitter account for myself so that I can follow others with an interest in nudism. I have found a few people from TN on there, but not too many. If you are on Twitter and want to follow me just search...

Halloween Costume?

For those of you celebrating at a nudist resort or party, what are you going as ? Last year, draped myself in plastic costume chains, hung with empty cigarette packs so I was a "Chain Smoker"! Actually took 1st place in the costume...

West Coast Meet ups

Just wondering how many living in the Western USA would be interested in attending a meet up. Possible meet up areas would be Shangri la, in the Phoenix area, Mira Vista, in the Tuscon area, or a nudist spot in Palm Springs. There are many other...


Is it truly possible to live off the grid? It sounds more and more appealing but wonder...

looking to meet new people

hey im a nudist from Ballarat and im wanting to meet new nudists from Geelong or from or around Ballarat area i am 25yo and looking to meet like minded people please send me a message cheers Brad

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Nudisom and Tatoos

As a nudist what do y'all think about people nude and tattooed.I get a bunch of tattoos be for I become a nudist and have coat hell for itdo y'all like them or not?by the way thoughtson this subject will not change mine about tattoos.

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by renebbare 
First Time

Total apologies if I am posting in wrong forum and don't mind being pointed in correct direction. But today is a couple of firsts. First time posting and first time being nude with someonethat did not involvehanky panky, booze or ulterior...

Looking for nudists interested in tattoo...

Hi, I'm a television producer looking to do a segment on nudists who are involved in tattoo culture and love to show off their ink in the New York/New Jersey area. If you have tattoos currently or are looking to get a new one, please email me at...

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My wife and I love going to Playalinda and we are scheduled to go Friday, Sat, Sun and Monday - Oct 11-Oct 14, 2013. Due to the Government shutdown, it appears that we are not going to be able to go. We are staying in Titusville. Do you guys know...