General Discussion
Original question. Do you feel it is okay to objectify another human being? Why or why not? Title changed 7-19 per DesertRat's suggestion. I also wanted to add the following. I enjoy hearing others views that are productive. Naysayers or...
Hi all, the reason for this post is that I am doing a lot of travelling around England later this week for approx 6 days and trying to find a nudist friendly B&B is proving nigh impossible so I am here asking if anyone can put me up for one...
What good is it to surround myself with beauty? Or in vain, make the outward appearance more attractive? When my heart is decaying, rotting flesh, not pleasing to the tongue, fragrant to the nose, nor kind to the ears, unsightly, unpleasing in every...
my picture is not displaying for my friends and other users,why?
I would like to know how everyone else feels about this subject. I would really like to get the ladies views on this subject.A large number of clubs and resorts will not allow single males to join or attend. Now anyone that belongs to Truenudists...
Anyone going to the Nude Car Show in Cambridge Wi. the weekend of the 10th?
Does anyone on this site living in Sydney have access to some private gym equipment (mainly looking for punching bag, some free weights and a treadmill or bike)? I hope to do some serious training over the next few weeks and have the option to...
I am starting to have mixed feelings about Profiles being listed as "Private," especially new certified members. I can accept people posting pics which are viewable by friends only. However, I do check the main page each day and welcome...
I cant get the Tabs listed below on the the front page to activate. all I get is []on the bottom of the screen. This addr is the same addr to open the front page. Most Popular...Recently Certified...New Members...Members...
Now, some of my best friends are Presbyterians and I'm sure they want nothing to do with armed robbery. But Presbyterians did support the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. And Sandor McBadguy, saying the devil made him do it, has excused his...