General Discussion
Im looking for a room to rent in London by the end of september / beginning of october as I'll be moving from Poland. If you think we could be a good naked roommates please write to me :) Anyone whant to buddy up (2 or 3 of us) and find a whole...
Another one driven from the site, because of suspicious, closed minds.. It's a shame, he might have been interested in the lifestyle, but he didn't receive much of a welcome here. Perhaps the "true nudists" on here, should worry...
Hey guys, just joined the site not too long ago, a couple weeks I believe, just sorta introducing myself to the community. I'd love to meet a lot of cool people and such, I'm an artist who supports nudism incredibly xD If anyone would like...
I wanted to run a privacy fence idea I've had by the forum users and see if anybody has any feedback. We have a deck off the rear of our house that has open wooden rails. our neighbors on either side can see to this deck. Rather than putting up...
Traveling from the south US to the Toronto area in mid to late September. Will the weather/temps typically be okay for nudism? Considering visiting Bare Oaks as I hear they lots of outdoor areas.
An interesting response from a fed-up nudist!
Original question. Do you feel it is okay to objectify another human being? Why or why not? Title changed 7-19 per DesertRat's suggestion. I also wanted to add the following. I enjoy hearing others views that are productive. Naysayers or...
Hi all, the reason for this post is that I am doing a lot of travelling around England later this week for approx 6 days and trying to find a nudist friendly B&B is proving nigh impossible so I am here asking if anyone can put me up for one...
What good is it to surround myself with beauty? Or in vain, make the outward appearance more attractive? When my heart is decaying, rotting flesh, not pleasing to the tongue, fragrant to the nose, nor kind to the ears, unsightly, unpleasing in every...
my picture is not displaying for my friends and other users,why?