General Discussion

If Nudism Were Legal Everywhere

Recently, on a nudist web site, the question behind a post was, Should it be legal to be naked anywhere? This is a nudism topic I have seen many times, but usually as somebody stating they would be nude all the time if it were legal. An interesting...

Driving Naked

I have just started driving around town naked. During the daytime I obviously keep my t-shirt on, but strip naked from the waist down. When pulling alongside buses, I cover up with a blanket over my lap, but other than that I am not bothered who...

clothes-optional friends n friendcesses 4...

If a guy takes a girl out it has2B about sex doesn't it? If he doesn't go with the intention of trying it on, then: .....he ain't a man! .....she feels insulted! Ever heard of true love? Like a kid loves his mom; like Gran n Granpa when...

Harassment and multiple messages from...

I received several messages from what appeared to have been some horny children orImmature men that were asking for friendship... One told me he was 16...what gives?


Here, in Europe, the Temperatures are falling. That brings me to the Question: Where is your Limit to go out naked? how deep may the Temperatures fall until they hold you inside a Building? I like warmth, so my limit was underdone far back in...

nude and the law

on a recent trip to a friends farm (who are also naturists) that had a bbq in the bit of hot weather we got, we was all in the nude and a passing vehicle phoned the police (north yorkshire), the police arrived and stated that we was all breaking the...

Do you like picnics nude?

Me and my best friend have picnics nude , she showed me a spot where nobody goes so its safe even though not an official nude park. No people have seen us so we go every monday! It is good to be nude at somewhere apart from home lol

naked bike ride

has anyone participated in a naked bike ride and was it a true naked bike ride, if one was in your area would you participate. is there one coming to your area ???

Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

I am only asking because as limited as I am due to roomates, neighborhood, and location my ability to go nude is extremely limited. I am trying to see how others live and respectfully socialize so I may find something I can try in my own life and...

Nude workout

I am looking for somewhere in Sydney with a few different weights and cardio equipment options where I can do a complete workout. Don't mind if it is a commercial gym or if someone has their own personal gym setup that they don't mind...

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