General Discussion

Summary of what Election 2012 brought us

Obviously, the biggie was 4 more years of Obama/Biden. Hopefully The President has learned something from this election and has found out more of what people want. Hopefully he will reach across the aisle and work with the Republicans. Gay Marriage...

Goa, India

any one planning to come to India or goa????? please reply.


A days ago in another phorum was people saying that they can,t be with bikinis... in nudista areas and that people have seen them and "aplaudiendo" with their hands They say that is not well education of nudist people.... then i told...

Why are there so many differing views on...

Hi, So I 've just joined and was initially really excited to find this site. As i've read through more and more forum posts my stomach is dropping. Some people seem pretty casual and others seem to see inappropriateness lurking behind many...

Picture Order

From time to time, the question arises,"can I control the order in which my profile pictures are displayed". In the past it was pretty much random.A recent feature has been added which allows you to choose the following display options;...

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Choice & Judgement

I've been scrolling through forum posts and left some of my thoughts. One thing I've found is that there seems to be freedom and acceptance for nudity, but then sexuality, whether you are married but have yourself as single or whether a man...

Nudism or Pornography?

I have seen the topic that I expose later and everything opposite has seemed to me more than a favor to the nudism, and in addition with little that to see with the nudism ... what do you think? I would like to see your point of view because I do...

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Excercise Naked...Pilates Class

A friend came up with the idea of his exercise class in Pilates....Naked. Can't wait to get back into the exercising game, especially naked. I work out naked at home as it is and now looking forward to expanding my regiment even that much...

Lame Discussions

In looking over the recent topics of discussion, it looks like the Forum has become quite lame again. C'mon folks, we can do better than this. If you don't have any new lively topics to discuss, then search past postings and bring those back...

christmas gift idea-custom coffee mug

Look at my avatar to get an idea of what I am refering to. It say: Junior's Farm clothing optional resort Smithville, Arkansas Online print shops will print custom coffee mugs for $5-$7 each. A good way to break the (nudist) ice with...