General Discussion
I have been talking to somebody about the possibility of setting up a naturist television station which would be run by naturists for naturists, and was wondering if anyone on this site would be interested in helping us with this? Anybody who wishes...
When asked about nudism by textiles and those interested in the nudist lifestyle, I say that "nudism is simply about doing things you would normally do only without clothes." Sounds basic enough. It can be sports / recreation activities...
I'm still somewhat new to living inEurope, but from my travels and holidays i have quickly noticed that theGermanculture seems to be one of the most accepting of nudity. Co-Ed change rooms, saunas, and beaches you find its the norm that people...
just discovered it and wondered if anyone else is on there... i have already found one other member from TN on there ..are there others ?
with this article on the Huffington Post
Hey, everyone, please check out this article I wrote on naturism.
F4F Flashing for fun is back and is open for everyone who wants to post some daring pictures. You find them on Kind regards Naked Baloo
Friends who have visited Cap D'agde have reported that it is being over run by the gay crowd. It has been reported that people are hit upon everywhere. I would like to hear the experiences of others. Maybe my friends just had a bad experience...
Some one of you knew this website ? Kinds regards Naked Baloo
I wonder what the chances, possibility and implications would be of an iPhone app for this site? Ideas and thoughts on a post card please!