General Discussion
I have been enjoying the nudist lifestyle for the last six hours. OUTSIDE! In the sun. In the pool. I came in for an afternoon drink and checked in with "TRUE NUDISTS" Why are you all sitting inside raving and ranting instead of enjoying...
cold and rainy in Seattle-again. Still? What's a nudist to do? Very disappointing. Next weekends forecast looks great tho.......
I'm only new, here. So let me start by saying thanks for letting me in. Now, on to business, this house is a mess, divided against itself every possible way. In your defense though, it is to be expected whenthat many personalities, and...
An article in the Austrian Kurier newspaper, on naked hiking in Austria. A reporter takes part as a kind of "undercover" scoop. The original in German, and you can more or less read it translated...
Would anyone know why I can't get into the chat room these last two days? It gets to loading at 92% then just sits there doing nothing else.
pI am sure there are many posts on this but I feel I need to express my opinion as well./ppI do not know why actual nudist would not seek certification, I think this site needs to be more restrictive to non certified people. /ppI understand the...
Using an avatar as my profile photo when i'm certified? Not showing my face because i'm worried about the wrong people approching me in public? Standing up for what I think is right? Appearently some people think so and have attacked me for...
Ok I'll just start out by saying I don't know if theirs another post somewhere answering the question I'm about to ask. If so I haven't come across it yet. I started a group a while back to find members in my area and start...
Thank you Snugglebunny! I just gave up. SEE: POST # 3
A. They're trying to get away from the sound! Gator1