General Discussion


Thought you guys might appreciate this! it's raising money for the Christchurch earthquake : )

Lord Stanley's Mug!

So, is anyone else watching the Stanley Cup playoff season ? Any thoughts on who will come out on top? GO CANUCKS!

Blocked Photos

I've seen several blocked photos that stated they "were for paid members only". I'm a paid member; So why can't I open up these photos? Is it just another one of those pesky computer glitches?

The "back door" on the hospital...

Hello! I was wondering how people feel about the hospital gowns. When we wear hospital gowns do hate backdoor on them? Should hospital gowns be made to close up that part? Thank you for reading my question! Thank you for responding!

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Organizing photos

Does anyone know how to organize photos. I want to line some photos up in a sequence, but can't figure out how to move the pictures around.

Do nudist clubs, resorts and beaches lower...

Learning what it takes to establish a landed club. One of the gruling performances a new club executive has to go through is sit and answer to their local municipal people usually in a publically open counsel meeting. One of the common fears of...

For all you gadget freaks

Cnet had this posted today and I though the gadget lovers out there would enjoy reading about this up graded Toilet. If this isn't the end all LOL.

My (naked) cousin running in new music video!

My (naked) cousin running in new music video! :-) Rich.

New group!

Hi everyone I have started a new group for nudists in Perth, Australia. So if you live in Perth & are interested in catching up with other nudists in the area, sign up!!

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April 10th

Did today actually just happen? I went to the beach, spent the day completely naked and my watch tells me it's the 10th April in England. I'm confused!!!