General Discussion

Not sure even where to post this..

But, to all the young ladies, most of which have identical profile pics, and joined "a day ago" you like my profile and want to be friends, why?? I'm twice or 3 times your age, we have nothing in common, call me cynical, but old single...

Latest PostI agree.
by Freedomlover2 
Then there is this

This is a current blog post i'm mistress Deborah by name a successful who have are own work and plan just need my p***y to be worships with full comfortable so serve and obey me ask new mistress Another sign of how much things have degraded....

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calling all Iowa nudists

I am looking for fellow nudists in Iowa. I live in the Iowa Falls area. Please message me if you are interested in nudists in Iowa.

A real treat

Nov 10th in northern Indiana is rarely 73F full sun and a light breeze. I got over 2 1/2 hours of full nudity in my backyard and was never chilled in fact warmed enough to be glad for the breeze. I read a book about Kenya Africa and just as the sun...

Life drawing and nude photography - UK

Hi - I am relatively inexperienced as a nudist, but would love to try modelling for life drawing or photography and I think this would help my body confidence. However I am nervous of offering myself for a formal group and would prefer to try it one...

WTH would be the reason

WTH would be the reason for having a group called Naked Flasher Women with a cover photo that violates a ton of photo rules on this site?

Two Firsts Today

Went to my first nude house party and played my baritone horn nude for an audience for the first time. Had a great time.

The nice kind of house guest to have

I occasionally host people through Airbnb and i do get all kinds. My latest was a young man moving from Colorado to New York and needed a place to put his head down. In his initial inquiry he acknowledged that I am a nudist and that he was totally...

High energy costs

Considering the massive rise in energy costs, and the colder weather coming, ( here in the UK anyway) are people compromising there naturist lifestyle and donning clothes, or are you putting the heating on?? So far have done neither, quite happy...

Naturism Symbol - have you heard of it?

There is now a movement to use a symbol for naturism that is not in you face about nudity, look here: There are different formats to download for free. There is even a video explaining the reason and the creation of...