General Discussion
Which is the best present for a nudist? I know what to give to my textile friends, but what about nudist? What would you like to receive for your nudist-time?
I have always wondered why it is that gay women only want to meet women? There are hundreds of threads pointing out that nudism and sexare unrelated so what's 'wrong' with us single guys if you are a gay women. OK, I suppose there are a...
only in America do we have freedom we are born nude and then we must cover up because of small minded people that think that being nude is something that is wrong so we must have high fences, unbearable clothes and must stay covered up to keep them...
I'm headed to Zanzibar and its beautiful beaches that I've heard about. Does anyone know if it is OK to bare all on any of those beaches?
It'd be nice to see more naked female hikers out and about. The Naked European Walking Tour welcomes females to request to join one of our alpine walking and camping tours. Looking forward to hearing from interested parties -...
To allour nudist friends and those we haven't met yet, we'd like to offerthis Thanksgiving Toast. May your stuffing be tasty, may your turkey be plump. May your potatoes 'n gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious. May your...
Did anyone watch the Oprah show 10-13-2010 ? A lady wanted to know if she was normal because she cleaned her home nude after everyone left the house and Oprah acted like it was not normal to do that,and most of the people there thought the same...
I ask myself this question quite often. I've come to the conclusion that maybe I just think way too much. I'm sure we've all thought asked ourselves the questions, "where do we come from?" "Why are we here?" Many...
I tried to become a certified True Nudist by doing exactly what they said. One picture clothed holding a paper that said "True Nudist" and my name, and one nude the same way. Both showing my face.I was rejected. Anybody have any idea why?...
Charges against naked hiker dropped: One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind! Rich.