General Discussion
More and more people seem to have Private Profiles these days so that only Friends can see what's inside. I can see the point in restricting access to photos so that some are only available to Friends, but why restrict the rest? Do we really...
As it puts me off being a nudist as I get stared at beach as if I am just showing off my manhood...rather then enjoying naturism. Does anyone else have this problem?
If you type your TN user name into Goolge Search and hit enter, you will find your TN Profile and picture along with any posts you made to the forums. So much for Privacy, I feel everyone should be made aware of this.
Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the new "Most Popular Nudist" feature being displayed on the Home page, where it is openly available to anyone looking at the site without the need to become a member and logging in?
AmI the only one who has a problem with the new home page format? It is now possible for ANYONE who is visiting the site to see our entire roster of members. You don't have to register, you don't even have to sign in. All you have to do isto...
This started in the Gym Locker Room thread. I'm continuing it here to avoid having the other thread go too far off-topic. One person was wondering whether the greater reluctance of young people to appear nude before their peers of the same sex...
Wishing all of our American friends a very Happy Fourth Of July. I am Canadian but on this day I also fly the American flag alongside my own. While you party keep in mind what thesignificanceof the day really is.
If nudity is ok, as so many nudists and naturists apparently believe, then surely more people should be happy to have photographs of themselves, hairy or smooth, young or old, pretty or plain, on public display. It amazes me how many so-called...
If nudity is ok, as so many nudists and naturists apparently believe, then surely more people should be happy to have photographs of themselves, hairy or smooth, young or old, pretty or plain, on public display. It amazes me how many so-called...
how many Americans fly our national flag daily and not just on flag day or for the 4 th of July, not to get political here but in this trying times i suggest we unite and not fly it on special occasions but every day. i am proud of our flag and the...