General Discussion

national geographic channel views nudist...

ngc has a show called taboos, the episode i saw the other day covered nudists at the lake como resort. the narrator commented that this style of living is taboo and that nudists were outcasts. i think the only thing taboo about the story was...

Latest PostCatch-22
by rockofbury 
Chime in on this thought!

The most boring thing in the entire world is nudity. The second most boring thing is honesty. Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters, 1999

My liberal stance on the notion of Nude...

Nude Recreation as never before..;-) You may be right to be a little confused about what nudism/naturism is meant to be... or not... as compared to my liberal stance on Nude Recreation. As far as I'm concerned and with those who were pioneering...

Why do people create / join groups?

Looking through the list of groups on this site it's easy to see the diversity of the nudist community. There's representation of various walks of life, interests and locations. Presumably these groups are created in the hopes of meeting...

New Book - A Brief History of Nakedness

Here's a highly interesting book on the historical context of nakedness: Definitely worth a read! Rich.

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Well lets see. It was 94 at the shop when I looked at the thermometer. Sweat was running off my bald head like a garden hose. I cant work on everyones cars in the nude but I may very well be the only shop owner who works in shorts and sandals. As I...

Flickr summarily deletes account

I just had my flickr account summarily deleted, this could happen to any of you, be warned: -- richinud ( Richard Foley )

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Roomates in Portland, OR? or a place to stay...

Hello everyone. Me and my fiance beth are most likely moving to Portland, ORthe first week of july.Anyone in Portland want a couple roomates while we save for an apartment of our own? Would be fun for us to have nudist roomates as of course we like...

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The raging PsITa/PITAs debate

This thread has been created solely for those who have usurped the thread New Jersey! and continue to behave like juveniles bickering over which is correct PsITA or PITAs. (Does the bratty refrain "I know you are but what am I" ring a bell...