General Discussion

Naked European Walking Tour 2010

The plan for the next Newt (Naked European Walking Tour) is to meet for a week of naked hiking somewhere in the European Alps during the first week in August 2010. The precise route is undecided, but the approximate location will be somewhere in the...

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Time to Lighten Up?? (Short Version)

"Time to Lighten Up?? While there are serious issues to be discussed, lets not lose sight of why we are nudists in the first place. Its fun. Lets not give the newbie nudist the impression that we are a group with nothing better to do than...

The "Butt Naked" Club

I think I'm gonna start a new group. It would be a way for others to find themost vocal on the system to ask questions, etc..... Look for it in the groups please, my butt naked comrades! Jerry

New Here..Inundated with requests of people...

I am, totally shocked at the ammount of people requesting frienmdship who I have actually spoken to or met.... What is with this? I think its cool to have buddies but have declioned so many. I have no idea who you are.. You may like a photo or are...

Latest PostBumping!
by Philfreeeuk 

I Sign up, and wanted to work on my Profile.. Problem it can't be found. Question ( Why i Can't get one started )... What is it that I am doing wrong..

Latest PostRebumpt!
by Philfreeeuk 
Last Photo call for Smooth Active Nudists...

Last Photo call for Smooth Active Nudists Photo Book Project Hi folks, This is the last call we'll be making for the Smooth Active Nudists photo book project for contributions. If you're interested, you can read up on how to contribute here:...

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Why Be Nude?

div class="smallfont" Why Be Nude? /div hr style="color: #ffffff;" size="1" / !-- / icon and title -- !-- message -- font size="4"font face="Book Antiqua"For me being nude equals freedom, as I am...

Posting pictures to "locations"

Has anyone been successful in posting pictures to a location description? I tried the photo upload function, but it did not seem to work. Also, a search of several locations, admittedly not too thorough, did not reveal any photos that did not say...

A New Zealand website declares today Feb 6th...

Happy World Nude Day everyone. A new Zealand site declared today World Nude Day. It is a very popular site. Their purpose is"World Nude Day is about setting yourself free. It's about nude, not lewd. It's...

Seeing the nude male form as

I was having a discussion via email with a long-distance friend of mine. We were chatting about the Lady God1va who spent a full hour atop the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square, as a way to promote peaceful nudism. . (See her video here......