General Discussion

A nudist study - Textile Yearly Clothing...

Several years ago I did a study of what the average person spent for clothing, soap, dryer sheets, electricity, water, etc. What I calculated as the total average sum per person was $1,200.00 per year. I tried to include things like the average...

New Groups - Masonry and Amateur Radio

For those that do not know, there are a couple new groups in the list. Ham Nudists and Masonic Nudists. If you are a part of these fine organizations, please feel free to Join. Also, a while ago I began a Fulltimer's group, for those living in a...

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New front page

Am I the only one who is uncomfortable about having pictures from inside the site displayed on the outside to folk who haven't had to register ? I've posted photos as I thought I was sharing them with (mostly) like minded folk. I'm not...

new to the site

Hi All, I'm new to the site, happy to find more nudists! I live in The Bahamas, in a small place so cannot fully express myself as too many close minded people, so I am left to enjoying in private homes, secluded beaches, and the internet! I...

Rotisserie Days

My father, who is a longtime nudist and has an account on this web site, had mentioned that when going to the more southern climes one would experience cold days where the sun was still hot in spite of the temperature. Today, November 15, appears to...


I know we said No Politics, but just thought you might like to know, that on this side of the pond at least, all the political commentators, TV Gerno's etc, seem to be pretty impressed and pleased re the turnout / outcome and there seems to be...

New Group

Hello everyone, I have started a new group "Living the Social Nudist Lifestyle - Fulltime", for those living on resorts or other where you are full-timing your social nudism. Please join and use the group as a place to ask, tell, etc. This...

Planning Report on Sea Mountain Inn (Near...

Making plans tocheck out Sea Mountain Inn near Palm Springs ( for an afternoon if someof the gals out there would like to join me and help report for the Palm Springs Nudists Group. Email me at

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Nudism in Mainstream Society Today - Honda...

For thos of you who have not had the opportunity to see the new Honda Pilot commercials, check this out: Seems that Honda is taking a different...

HelpTrue nudist certifield

Hi Im new to the site and finding it very good but whenI try and send my photo to beCertifieldI get thismessage " Invalid File Type Uploaded. Please try a different image " What am i doing wrong? please Mick 'boatman'

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